This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

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The Edge of Innovation

Your Biggest Competition

Day in and day out, business owners, executives and sales teams struggle to compete for new business. Constantly approaching new companies and consumers begging for a sale.

To assist in the search, marketing departments continual craft witty messages to attract buyers. But more times than not, the sales staff will never sell anything to these folks.

Beaten and depressed, most sales people move onto the next target. The entire time thinking that they lost the sale to their competition down the street. Never realizing that more likely, the prospect never bought from the competitor either.

Finding Your True Competition

B2B Example Scenario: I spent some time after college working as an account manager for a technology reseller. And in the beginning, the sales process was a shaky one. I would find myself with a sinking feeling in my gut every time I heard, “we decided to go another route, but thank you.” It was heart breaking, to say the least.
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Paperless Files

Leading companies around the globe are constantly implementing the latest and greatest technologies.

One such growing trend is the need for company wide document imaging, in other words, the scanning and organizing of all business documents.

Your business’ ability to instantly search for any file is absolutely vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.

So without further ado and in no particular order, 6 reasons to make the switch:
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Most businesses are boring.

And I don’t mean boring in terms of Office Space boring.

What I’m getting at is this:

When an outsider (customer, client, passerby, etc.) looks at your business, what do they see?

Do they see a boring front sign, boring website and boring cubicles?

Or do they find a magical operation? One filled with fun surprises. A business with that spark which makes people say “Whoa, these folks got something special go on here!”

This is the essence of business design in the 21st century: Be Remarkable.
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Business owners benefit financially from their companies in two ways:

1) From the long-term appreciation of company value.

2) From payouts in the form of salary, benefits, and dividends.

Far too often small business owners focus on the latter rather than the former.

The key question to unlocking the true financial potential of your company is…

Am I solely concerned with creating an income stream or am I maximizing the long-term value of the most important asset I’ll ever own?

Are you WOWing your customers?

When it comes to customer service all the talk recently has been about Zappos. And for good reason. They’ve done an exceptional job delivering on their brand promise, “Deliver Happiness.”

The reality, however, is there have been countless companies delivering customer service at a loyalty level for decades.

One such company is Nordstrom. Their employee handbook, printed on a small gray card, might be THE clue to delivering WOW.
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