This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

Is Your Business Remarkable?


Most businesses are boring.

And I don’t mean boring in terms of Office Space boring.

What I’m getting at is this:

When an outsider (customer, client, passerby, etc.) looks at your business, what do they see?

Do they see a boring front sign, boring website and boring cubicles?

Or do they find a magical operation? One filled with fun surprises. A business with that spark which makes people say “Whoa, these folks got something special go on here!”

This is the essence of business design in the 21st century: Be Remarkable.

It’s no secret people like to do business with people they like. But they especially like to talk about businesses worth talking about… i.e. remarkable

Remember: Word-of-mouth is the best marketing.

So whenever you make a marketing decision ask yourself, “Is this a conversation starter?” If so, implement it. If not, improve it.

All too often, though, most entrepreneurs and marketers fall in the trap of doing the minimum. Which results in unremarkability.

Instead, when you find yourself with a great marketing idea, consider it a start. Not a strategy.

The more you obsess, test, tweak, and improve your marketing, the more remarkable it will become.

And remarkable businesses create remarkable bottom lines.

About the Author: Bradley Gauthier is co-founder of New Methods. And is passionate about helping big thinking entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. He has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 12 when he created an online marketing firm. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn & Facebook.

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