This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

6 Reasons Your Business Should Go Paperless

Paperless Files

Leading companies around the globe are constantly implementing the latest and greatest technologies.

One such growing trend is the need for company wide document imaging, in other words, the scanning and organizing of all business documents.

Your business’ ability to instantly search for any file is absolutely vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.

So without further ado and in no particular order, 6 reasons to make the switch:

1. Disaster recovery

Along the ranks of life insurance and estate planning, Disaster Recovery is the unspeakable event no business wants to talk about but is essential for long-term success.

A small fire not only has the potential of destroying an entire office, it can permanently ruin a business. Therefore, having all your documents stored securely and redundantly in one or more off site locations is crucial to getting back up and running.

2. Government Oversight

Audits by the IRS are about as enjoyable as a non-anesthetic root canal. However, they are a real occurrence that can happen at almost any given time while operating your business.

By having all your important documents and receipts in a searchable database will greatly reduce the headaches for everyone in your company during an audit.

Also, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – If your company falls under the mandates of the ruling and are not yet digitally storing vital financial documents, ask yourself why not.

3. Personal Efficiency

By creating a paperless system resulting in virtual file cabinets you will greatly boost your efficiency.

This newfound productivity may be to such an extreme amount that looking back at your old system will make you wonder how any work was completed in a timely fashion.

Also imagine a world where you never again need to ask your receptionist what happened to that two-week-old post-it note.

4. Professionalism

How does your company currently respond to a request for a document from four years ago? Probably with a promise to respond in a few hours if not days.

On the flip side, imagine the level of professionalism and organization skills your company will project if the same document could instead be emailed or faxed within minutes of the request?

5. Interdepartmental Projects

Sharing vital documents between team members is becoming a growing necessity in successful businesses. Making sure your company is on the forefront of technology will keep you ahead of the competition.

6. Saving the Environment

This is a simple one: less paper used equates to less trees and resources needed.

So there you have it…

A concise list of six essential reasons your company cannot stay ahead of the pack without implementing a paperless company.

About the Author: Bradley Gauthier is co-founder of New Methods. And is passionate about helping big thinking entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. He has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 12 when he created an online marketing firm. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn & Facebook.

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  • Bradley Gauthier

    thanks! :)

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