This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

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Stay Informed of the New Methods Entrepreneurs Must Know to Succeed in 21st Century Business:

  • Discover where the future of business is going.
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The Edge of Innovation


I recently stumbled upon a remarkable Tumblr blog called Dear Photograph. It’s simple…take a picture of a picture from the past in the present. Simple, yet brilliant. The stories, memories, and emotions that spill over when people share their photographs are powerful and captivating. Simply remarkable!

Dear Photograph


Understanding history is an important factor in knowing where we are going. It’s vital in order to learn from history’s positives. And to not repeat the destructive periods of our past. But sometimes we may find ourselves wondering about what exactly we have to look forward to. I’m constantly in awe of what the future holds… Thus, this website was an amazing find. They have taken scientific predictions on what our future may look like. Check it out!

Future Timeline

financial fluency new methods

Are you financially fluent?

Starting today, and every Friday for the foreseeable future, we’re going to talk finance.

Since we here at The Edge of Innovation don’t know exactly where your financial education lies we’re going to start from the basics and build from there.

Let’s jump right in…

Wait! Before we begin I want to remind you of the two great financial dangers:

“I already know that.”


“This is too overwhelming.”

Routinely when I work with business owners I hear the phrase, “I already know that.”  The objective, of course, is not whether you already KNOW, it’s whether you currently APPLY.

For those of you who are financially fluent, rather than dismiss these basic financial lessons in the beginning blog posts, make the committment to challenge yourself on whether you are actually applying these principles to your business right now.

If you are one of the more inexperienced when it comes to financial fluency, it’s important for you not to gloss over these lessons and arrive at the conclusion that it’s too overwhelming.

Much of business comes down to a financial score. And when you don’t score well, you don’t have a business. At least not for long. Therefore, it’s imperative you know the financial score of your business and your personal wealth. (Which, by the way, are not one and the same)

Now let’s get started… [continue reading…]

K-Mart Sign

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
~ Charles Darwin

If you had asked me a couple years ago what I thought I’d be doing professionally in 2011, I can guarantee you I would have been 100% wrong.

Being in business is filled with uncertainty and risk. But for those who change with the times – the visionaries if you will – they are much more likely to skirt the hazards. And continually create what others want.

Too often businesses that fail believe they cannot fail. Look at the Lehman Brothers. They got comfortable. And where are they now?

Or more often, businesses don’t hop on the bandwagon soon enough. Take Sears for instance. Besides their hardware section, what is Sears truly good for anymore? Their famous Wish Book? I’m not sure about you, but I do my clothing, jewelry and toy shopping elsewhere.

This isn’t a sudden trend or something that just started recently. Al Gore and his damn Internets aren’t to blame either. The world is rapidly changing. And has been since before the industrial age. Technology simply fuels this rapid change in people’s needs and desires.
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Office Space Bobs

Intro: Motivation in the workplace is an important factor for entrepreneurs. And I often explore the many fascinating psychology research studies that have led us to a deep understanding of employee motivation. The following post is a thorough list of the best psychology concepts for motivating your workforce.

A Road Not Taken…
There was a time in my life when I was studying to become an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. Basically I thought that listening to, and attempting to vanquish, the workplace-based depression of a Fortune 500 company’s middle managers would be an interesting career. Looking at my current life, I am extremely glad I didn’t venture down that path!

My formal training in psychology, on the other hand, has taught me a ton of valuable concepts that I now use daily. These ideas translate well for almost any situation in the business and marketing world.

A couple of days ago I was speaking to a few budding entrepreneurs and the topic of motivation came up. While speaking with them, I realized how I forgot the actual psychology terms for the theories even though I think about the concepts almost on a daily basis. So I dug out my notes and gave myself a refresher course. The following concepts are some of the more important theories in motivational psychology in terms of workplace behavior:
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computer-technology-new methods

Technology is evolving at warp speed. Can you feel it?  I can. It seems like a new technology is invented every second.

Technology can be an anxiety producing phenomenon if you don’t have a clear understanding how and why it’s important to you.

Some of us are unnecessarily afraid of technology. Many of us mistakenly get drunk on it. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum.

There was a time I didn’t want to be an early adopter. Technology confused me and I was comfortable with my old system or method. There have been other times, more recently, that I’ve used technology just because…with no real intent or purpose. I got lost in the maze of playing with the latest, greatest gadget and completely destroyed any sense of productivity.
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