This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

The Remarkability Factor: 500px & Industrial Revolutions


People with passion for their craft always inspire me. One such person is Danny Macaskill. I’m in awe of his creative energy and wizardry with a bicycle. His latest installment, Industrial Revolutions, is without question remarkable.

Industrial Revolutions [video]


I’ve always been obsessed with photography. And am in the process of buying a new camera to accompany me in my journeys. While Flickr is a very common photo sharing service, it is the 800 pound gorilla of photography websites which isn’t always the best. Thankfully, there is a wonderful alternative for photographers and enthusiasts to showcase their work. Additionally, the discovery and voting system makes exploring the pictures fun and exciting. So whether you’re looking to post your pics or view other gorgeous photos, this is the place.


About the Author: Bradley Gauthier is co-founder of New Methods. And is passionate about helping big thinking entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. He has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 12 when he created an online marketing firm. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn & Facebook.

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