This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

How Clean Are Your Restrooms?

Dirty Restroom

You can learn a lot from a business’ restroom.

From small signs such as the employee’s level of dedication to things as major as the overall success of the company, a restroom usually never lies.


Because when a business or its coworkers are not on the top of their game, the restroom’s cleanliness is the first to go. Toilet paper rolls are left unchanged, the garbage is neglected and the mirror is full of water spots.

My Father’s old business partner/mentor was adamant about this concept. He would never invest into a business with an unclean restroom.

And me being taught this at a very young age, I’ve constantly kept my eye on restrooms.

It never fails, every clean restroom is found in a successful business. Those unclean facilities I’ve encountered are now mostly all attached to “for lease” empty buildings.

The Slippery Slope of a Dirty Restroom

If your income statement’s bottom line isn’t where you’d like the numbers to be, it may be easy to find yourself neglecting the restroom. Such as switching from luscious 3-ply to sandpaper-esque 1-ply and letting the garbage go for a few days because it’s not full, hence saving a bag or two. Or worse yet, not refilling soap dispensers or air fresheners.

But you need to maintain a high-quality facility. It’s crucial.

And while you or your coworkers may not regard the rooms as anything different, your guests will be aware. In fact, the guests may not consciously notice the lack of caring. But they will subconsciously. I’ll guarantee they will get a feeling of quality abandonment. That you just don’t care. And that’s not good. Not good at all.

So go clean the restroom… NOW!

About the Author: Bradley Gauthier is co-founder of New Methods. And is passionate about helping big thinking entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. He has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 12 when he created an online marketing firm. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn & Facebook.

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