This is The Edge Of Innovation, a business weblog for entrepreneurs. Curated by the folks at New Methods.

Marketing Articles

Circle me, I'll Circle You

Are you already destroying your Google+ account within the first week?

Google+ is currently in private beta with only a few million on board thus far. In terms of the other big social networks touting hundreds of millions of users, their numbers are a drop in the bucket.

However, it has lasting power. Between some big names raving about it and the generally positive reviews from respected news outlets, Google+ isn’t going away anytime soon. So it’s important to think long-term with your strategy for growing your audience.
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There is a Sun in Every Flower

When was the last time you hopped out of bed, excited for the day to begin? To wake up with a smile on your face, knowing you have the chance to improve the lives of others around you? For most, it’s been far too long. And for some, it’s a daily routine.

But why is this?

In the history of the world, it’s never been easier to do what you love. To work where you want, when you want, if you want. And create remarkable lives for you and your loved ones. But it’s only possible with a passion for what you do.

The Hard Truth

Your passion takes money. It’s true. Those who say money isn’t everything, hasn’t lived without it for long. I’ve had days I was unsure if I’d be able to eat while praying my cell-phone isn’t disconnected and hoping that my last pair of jeans didn’t rip further beyond repair. Trust me, money is a necessity.

Don’t get me wrong, money does not cause success nor happiness. Money is simply the gateway to doing what you love. It creates the ability to help others, to travel the world, to support your favorite charity or whatever else you dream of doing.
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